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How it works

The light at the end of the TUNL


Highly innovative and heavily patented, the heart of the QUaZar   UV-C TUNL   is the robot that houses the arsenal of germicidal energy sources, administering over 500 watts of UV-C light - capable of delivering 99.999% termination of pathogen replication on the surface of a batch of nested shopping carts in less than five minutes.


During a Supernova   sequence, the robot travels down the length of its channel and back, eliminating the dark zones and shadows cast by obstructions, and engulfing every inch of the interior with ultraviolet germicidal light. 

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A light in shining armor


As the robot runs its course, LED UV-C sabers bolster the offensive by keeping surface bacteria under a steady, supplemental 500 watt blanket of the high-intensity antimicrobial energy - a key contributing component to the extreme levels of disinfection the system is capable of achieving.


Its transparent structure is composed of Makrolon  polycarbonate thermoplastic resin, conditioned with mineral reinforcement and impact modification, guaranteeing zero light leakage from the system. Damage and breach smart sensors built into every critical point in the design help make it possible to ensure 100% safety. Designed to allow for safe observation of the beautiful choreography between its aesthetically striking hardware and its mesmerizing display of ultraviolet light radiation, it projects the organic communication of a message of reassurance to every witness that the business it is installed in is concerned for the wellbeing of its customers and is willing to invest in capital equipment to ensure it.


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Ebb and glow


The patented inclined loading ramp and directional wheel chocks at the entryway provide for a smooth deposit and resisted removal of any style of contemporary shopping cart, making use of the UV-C TUNL  natural and easy for workers and shoppers alike with simple laws of physics.


The optical double doors overlap and seal, ensuring no light escapes the entrance, and open automatically upon RFID detection or remote access, receding into their slim actuator encasings and resting flush against the side wall.

Beyond the shadow of a doubt


Monaco Technologies  engineers designed QUaZar/ by combining their decades of electrical and mechanical engineering expertise with examination from UVGI and retail industry leaders and experts to develop the perfect solution for the dangers of contaminated shopping carts.


Through extensive architectural and algorithmic shadow- ing analyses and adaption, and active scientific research and testing, Monaco Technologies  is proud to have established evidence-based results upholding its pledge to deliver a product of remarkably proficient capabilities.



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Copyright © 2020 Monaco Technologies LLC. All rights reserved. Quazar is a patent pending design and technology owned by Monaco Technologies LLC. Quazar and Monaco Technologies are trademarks owned by Monaco Consultants LLC. Monaco Consultants LLC owns full rights to make changes to any specification, design or functionality of the product without prior notice.


For more information, please contact us at or book a demo now.



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